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- 10 rem copyright 1987 compute! publications inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 ifpeek(49179)<>56thenload"scroll.ml",8,1
- 30 sys49873:poke53280,11:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
- 40 print" copyright 1987 compute! pub., inc."
- 50 printtab(10)"all rights reserved[150]"
- 60 print" ...please wait..."
- 70 gosub480
- 80 gosub320
- 90 print"[145]introducing the impossible scroll"
- 100 print"program. just watch the scrolling"
- 110 print"message at the bottom. note how it"
- 120 print"is below the normal data area, away"
- 130 print"from interfering with a text display."
- 140 gosub430
- 150 sys49152
- 160 geta$
- 170 print"[147][153]the scrolling message can be enlarged"
- 180 poke53271,255
- 190 print"by changing the program, or by setting"
- 200 print"the sprite y-expansion."
- 210 gosub430
- 220 sys49628:geta$
- 230 poke53271,170
- 240 print"[154]or how about 'up and down scroll'?":sys49628
- 250 print"[147][154] ...or color changes to the screen?"
- 260 fora=0to240:poke49267,a:next:poke198,0
- 270 print"[147][154] press any key to start demo over"
- 280 poke53269,0
- 290 poke53280,rnd(1)*15:geta$:on-(a$="")goto290:run
- 300 end
- 310 rem poke in message from data
- 320 i=7*4096
- 330 read x$:if x$="end" then poke i,0:return
- 340 forz=1tolen(x$):g=asc(mid$(x$,z,1)):ifg>=64andg<=95theng=g-64:goto360
- 350 ifg>95theng=int(g-128)
- 360 pokei,g:i=i+1:next:goto330
- 370 rem data for message
- 380 data"this is the scroll program which defies the normal physics of the"
- 390 data" vic-ii chip... by using raster interrupts, the program tricks "
- 400 data"the computer into displaying sprites below the border. this "
- 410 data"enables the user to scroll messages in the area where data usually "
- 420 data"doesn't belong! ","end"
- 430 print"";:fora=1to40:print"-";:next
- 440 print"[158] press any key to see more"
- 450 fora=1to40:print"-";:next:print"":return
- 460 end
- 470 rem load a character set
- 480 return: <-------rem erase this line to load customized characters
- 490 poke49725,96 :rem turn off copy subroutine (poke49725,234 to restore copy)
- 500 poke184,2:poke185,0:poke186,8:rem poke 186,1 for datassette
- 510 f$="charset":rem the name of the character set
- 520 poke183,len(f$):poke187,0:poke188,2:fori=1tolen(f$)
- 530 poke511+i,asc(mid$(f$,i,1)):next
- 540 poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,160:sys65493
- 550 return